What Are Green Cleaning Services? +Running a Green Business

What Are Green Cleaning Services & Should Your Cleaning Business Go Green?

What Are Green Cleaning Services & Should Your Cleaning Business Go Green?

Eco-friendly, sustainable, environmentally conscious, green… Sure, you’ve heard the terms used before, but why are they trending now more than ever? To put it simply, our planet depends on it. Not only does “going green” mean reducing your carbon footprint, but it can also impact the health and well-being of humans and animals alike.

The demand for companies prioritizing green services is growing, and studies show that people are willing to pay more for these efforts. Green cleaning services offer an opportunity to affect the environment while increasing revenue and client satisfaction.

But how do you know what defines green cleaning services? We’ve scrubbed the internet for the latest trends in green cleaning services to answer that question and help grow your business in a way that will ensure your clients (and the planet) are happy for years to come.

Housecall Pro offers many solutions to support your business going green. Keep reading to learn more about how we can help you increase profits and improve the environment along the way.

What is Green Cleaning?

Green cleaning means utilizing products, tools, and applied methods to minimize the harmful implications that traditional cleaning methods would otherwise have on people, animals, and the environment. 

How is Green Cleaning Different From Traditional Cleaning?

Although the comparison between traditional cleaning and green cleaning may seem subtle, the ecological difference is substantial.

Traditional cleaning uses harsh chemicals and materials for sanitation that can irritate the skin, affect indoor air quality, and carry potential long-term health risks. Disposal of these chemicals and other cleaning products also poses environmental threats based on their biodegradability or lack thereof. 

Green cleaning employs organic cleaning solutions and methods that minimize harmful reactions. Green cleaning is also mindful of sustainability, uses ethically sourced materials, reduces waste, and promotes a safe biodegradable outcome.

Why is Green Cleaning Important?

Besides the peace of mind it brings, there are many reasons why green cleaning is important… and some might surprise you! These reasons include:

Increased environmental awareness

When it comes to helping the environment, knowledge is half the battle. By promoting green cleaning, you are educating others on the collective responsibility we have for the environment in our day-to-day lives.

Improved health & wellness

Better indoor air quality isn’t the only health benefit of green cleaning. Natural cleaning products also limit the strain on water treatment facilities, reducing the contamination of drinking water and groundwater irrigation.

Enhanced cost-efficiency

In recent years, the cost of natural cleaning products has decreased significantly. This decrease has made the cost of green cleaning products nearly comparable to traditional products. The difference, if any, can be factored into a higher rate that clients are willing to pay for green cleaning services. 

What Are Some Examples of Green Cleaning Products?

Green cleaning products can range from common household items to green-certified store-bought solutions. When shopping for green cleaning products, look for items with the following properties:

  • Plant-based solutions
  • Fragrance-free and non-toxic ingredients
  • Packaging made with recyclable materials
  • Solutions to buy in bulk with reusable containers
  • Sustainable and fair-trade production
  • Household items (e.g., lemon juice, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar)
  • Products with green-certified logos
  • Microfiber cloths and mops

Why Should You Use Green Cleaning Products?

As science and technology continue to advance, so do the reasons why you should use green cleaning products. Not only does the state of our climate demand a change in how we do things, but the health of future generations depends on it.

Minimizes health problems

Although the act of cleaning and sanitation eliminates airborne contaminants like dust and allergens, the use of toxic cleaning ingredients can increase chemical allergies and asthmatic reactions. Green cleaning minimizes exposure to these toxins.

Promotes longevity for systems and structures

Harsh chemicals can shorten the lifespan of cleaning tools and surfaces. Using green cleaning products helps ensure the longevity of your cleaning equipment and is easier on your clients’ floors, walls, appliances, counters, etc. Because some ingredients like vinegar can be corrosive on certain materials, it’s important to research before employing household items.

Reduces risk of liability

Using green cleaning products helps to cut the risk of employee Worker’s Compensation Claims due to exposure to chemicals on a regular basis, affecting employee retention and scheduling availability.

Improves sense of community

Taking responsibility for your ecological impact in the cleaning industry strengthens the collective effort the community is taking to make a difference.

Prepares for regulatory changes

Regulatory changes may vary from state to state or country to country, but it doesn’t hurt to be ahead of the curve. Environmental law is rapidly evolving and making changes now will help you be prepared for the future.

Different Types of Green Cleaning Product Logos

Green-certified logos ensure that products advertised as eco-friendly are tested, monitored, and consistent with the environmental standards set by nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and private sector entities. When searching for green cleaning products to use, here’s what to look for:

Green Seal® is a global nonprofit organization whose mission is to certify products, spaces, and services to ensure the highest standards for protecting health and the environment.

ECOLOGO establishes a product’s lifetime sustainability based on many factors and must meet or exceed specific criteria to receive this third-party certification.

GREENGUARD certifies a product has demonstrated low chemical emissions, affecting the air quality of indoor environments and the health of the general public. Both ECOLOGO and GREENGUARD are subsidiaries of UL Solutions, a global leader in applied safety science.

Safer Choice is a certification program through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that promotes the prevention, elimination, or reduction of pollution at the source, including using safer ingredients.

What Are Green Cleaning Services?

As mentioned earlier, the demand for green cleaning services is growing. But if you’re unsure what these services are, we’ve gathered some examples for you to consider.

Organic and non-toxic ingredients are likely the first thing a client expects when hiring a company for green cleaning services. Hospital-grade botanical-based solutions are great for deep cleaning.

Microfiber technology is quickly becoming the go-to replacement for paper and cloth supplies. It reduces waste and the static-charged synthetic material can pull dirt, bacteria, and viruses out of cracks and crevices that larger fibers can’t reach otherwise.

Steam sanitization is an effective way to clean and disinfect surfaces without any ingredients besides water. It’s important to exercise caution when using steam as it can damage some surfaces due to heat and moisture and cause injury if not used properly.

Reduce waste by recycling, purchasing products that come in recycled packaging, and using refillable containers when buying products in bulk. When experiencing equipment failure try repairing versus replacement whenever possible.

Energy conservation is a common practice, and these efforts contribute to your green cleaning services. Consider going energy-efficient for your business, such as using energy-star appliances and renewable energy.

What Types of Businesses Offer Green Cleaning Services?

Green cleaning is not just limited to residential or commercial maid services. Here are some additional cleaning services that can benefit from going green.

Sustainable landscaping services recycle and upcycle construction materials, install water-reducing irrigation systems, use organic and native materials, operate electric-powered landscaping tools, and compost green waste.

Green window cleaning services employ similar methods to residential and commercial cleaning services by using natural and green-certified products, microfiber technology, water collection for reusing, and energy-efficient cleaning techniques.  

Eco-friendly pressure washing services utilize green pressure washing solutions, recycle and reclaim wastewater, and use energy-efficient pumps and low-emission engines.

Environmentally safe air duct cleaning services use High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter vacuums, fragrance-free sprays, and green cleaning products.

Conservational carpet cleaning services put green cleaning water-based products to work in place of harmful chemicals and detergents. 

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Should Your Business Offer Green Cleaning Services?

If you’re thinking about offering green cleaning services, you’ll want to weigh the pros and cons of the following factors:


Compare the cost of green cleaning products to your current products and materials. Crunch the numbers to see what margin you have to work with if any increase is incurred. The trick is to find a balance between generating a profit and staying competitive with other companies offering the same service. More on that in just a bit.

Procedure changes

Consider what procedural changes will be necessary to transition to green cleaning. For example, if you’re going from paper towels to microfiber cloths, you’ll want to factor in the time to wash the materials over a quick disposal. Remember, any changes implemented will require additional training for your staff.

Current clientele

With your current clients in mind, ask yourself if these services are something they would consider switching to. One example is traditional products. Typically, they contain strong fragrances that clients have come to expect from a cleaning service and may not be something they’re prepared to give up. Conduct a client survey to gauge their responses.

Marketing strategy

Making the switch to green cleaning is notably worth talking about. You’ll need an effective marketing strategy to tout your commitment to the environment and attract new clients. Determine what marketing efforts would be worth investing in to generate buzz about your green cleaning services.

Competitor research

To better assess your chances for success, research other companies in your area offering green cleaning. Look at their specialty services, pricing, and social media marketing efforts to get an idea of what to offer, charge, etc.

Green cleaning certification

If you want to make your green cleaning services official, consider what it would take to have your cleaning services green-certified. Organizations like Green Seal® and the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA) offer green cleaning certification programs for residential businesses.

How to Transition Your Business to Green Cleaning

Transitioning to a green cleaning business requires a few steps to get you up and running.

  • Research what products you’ll be working with and their application methods. 
  • Explore digital green cleaning applications to help identify ingredients to use and avoid.
  • Educate your team and train them on the new methods and procedures you’re implementing to make the change.
  • Consider launching a pilot program in the interim until your business is fully transitioned.
  • If your clients are on the fence about the change, offer a promotion on their first green cleaning service.
  • Get green-certified to demonstrate your commitment to helping the environment.
  • Team up with a field service company that shares your vision for green cleaning services. Housecall Pro is proud to offer resources to companies working to make a difference.

Things to Consider When Going Green

When making the transition to becoming a green cleaning business, you’ll want to be mindful of a few things to ensure your efforts are a success.

✔Fully research the green cleaning products and application methods your business uses. Depending on the products, additional steps may be required to fully disinfect surfaces.

✔If employing household items like vinegar or baking soda, always follow the correct dilution ratio and be conscious of what surfaces to avoid when using these products.  

✔Be aware of “greenwashing,” a term that refers to deceptive marketing tactics falsely claiming a product or service is green.

✔Avoid mixing cleaning solutions without proper research, as some ingredients could have a potentially harmful reaction when combined.

✔Essential oils make for a great fragrance alternative. Always check with your clients first before using essential oils to avoid an allergic reaction.

✔Going green is not limited to just what we’ve covered so far in this article. Volunteering in the community can work wonders for your company’s reputation and demonstrates your commitment to making the world a better place. 

The Future is Green

The decision to transition to green cleaning is not one to take lightly. It requires diligence, discipline, and perhaps a little more elbow grease, but the payoff is well worth the effort.

If your business is ready to make the change, Housecall Pro is here to help you along the way. We understand the challenges cleaning service businesses face in this ever-changing and highly competitive industry and are dedicated to helping your business prevail. Sign up for your 14-day free trial and see for yourself why Housecall Pro is an industry leader devoted to turning your green cleaning business goals into a reality.

Angela Mollica

Angela Mollica

Content Writer
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Last Posted July, 2024
About the Author With over five years of marketing and copywriting experience gained at the home warranty company, Old Republic Home Protection, Angela Mollica is a passionate wordsmith with a reputation for crafting compelling narratives that ignite conversation and drive engagement. A creative writer at heart, Angela is currently diving deep into the realm of horror fiction, working on a chilling short story collection that promises to captivate and terrify readers. When she’s not typing away at her keyboard, Angela enjoys reading, traveling, and sharpening her illustration skills in various mediums such as pencil, pen & ink, and charcoal.