17 Must-Have Features for Your Home Service Business Website

17 Must-Have Features for Your Home Service Business Website in 2025

Must-Have Features for Your Home Service Business Website

The home service industry is thriving, and Housecall Pro is here to help your business grow. In this day and age, having an effective, beautiful website is now part of the process when creating a strong business model. The website is often the first glimpse that potential clients and customers have into what your business is like.

Whether you have been in business for some time or plan to launch in the near future, having a stunning website is critical. In the home service industry, it helps to know what website features work best. Appeal to your target audience in a more effective way using the best features for a website in the home service business industry.

What Makes for a Good Home Service Business Website?

So, what kind of website features should your business site have? The best features for a website may look different from site to site, but there are a few core features that you must include. More importantly, there are a few factors that should be considered when creating a home service business website going into 2025.


While having a litany of features is a good place to start, none of that will matter if the user experience is a bad one. When checking out a business website, customers want to be able to find what they are looking for in a relatively short period of time. Anything more convoluted will lead to frustration and they won’t come back.

Keeping the layout user-friendly is perhaps the most important thing to consider when it comes to website features. Bells and whistles are all fine and well, but users are looking for mobile compatibility, easy navigation, and clear menus when they migrate to a website.

Creating a great business website is a delicate balance between appealing looks and functionality. Even the most beautiful website will struggle to garner views if it isn’t relatively simple to use. Focus on functionality and navigation above all else and your business website features will take care of themselves.

Visually Appealing

Though we just talked about the fact that user experience trumps visual appeal, there is something to be said about having an attractive website. Drawing viewers in is half the challenge and having a snappy website that grabs the attention of visitors is a great place to start when considering website features.

The key is to determine what is most appealing when considering the best features for a website. Bells and whistles might feel necessary but there is something to be said about keeping just enough of a conservative touch when it comes to the design of the website.

Branding is critical when it comes to creating a beautiful, consistent website. Branding not only entails logos and the company message but ensures that simple things like color schemes are consistent as well. Customers do notice a visually appealing website and it is often the hook to get them in the proverbial door even if a user-friendly layout is ultimately what keeps them around.

All Pertinent Information

Website features garner all the attention, but the simple things can often go unnoticed. For instance, think about any website you’ve been to and the frustration you felt when trying to find pertinent information and couldn’t do so. It is one of the cardinal rules of creating a business website.

Any and all essential information should be consistently displayed on the website. Consider things like contact information – phone number, email, etc. – and the physical address of the business in headers or footers on every page. Make it so that the visitor can’t possibly miss that important information.

The more readily available that information is, the easier it is for customers to contact you. Even a hint of frustration in that department and they will take their clicks (and dollars) to a competitor. It is also a good idea to have a dedicated landing page for that information as well, even featuring the email addresses and phone numbers of relevant staff.

Creating Leads

At the end of the day, the single most important part of running a business is finding and creating leads. Those leads eventually lead to conversions into actual sales, the lifeblood of any business. What some out-of-touch business owners don’t realize is how effective a quality website can be in terms of creating leads.

Creating leads can’t be done in any one particular way. It is a combination of the aforementioned website features, all of which come together to provide an effective lead generator. Giving visitors the tools they need to get in touch with the business can be an effective way of creating more consistent leads.

Think of your business website as a brochure for the business as a whole. Visitors should be able to access necessary information and to contact the company with ease. The best website features are the ones that bring customers into the fold and give them every bit of information needed to make a decision, ideally one that involves utilizing your business services.

17 Must-Have Features for Your Home Service Business Website

The time has come to utilize the best features for a website and create the ultimate home service business website. Whether you are starting from scratch or are looking to revitalize your current website, having these website features is necessary to achieve those goals.

1. Online Booking

When talking about website features for the home services industry, online booking is right near the top of the list. Customers are looking for fast, convenient ways to book service appointments and fewer people than ever are making phone calls to that end.

With a solid online booking system, customers can schedule their own calls at their earliest convenience. Your scheduling system will see these requests, organize them into an effective schedule, and provide consistency in filling those requests.

Being able to streamline the booking process will lead to more bookings and more revenue for the business. Having effective call-to-action buttons placed throughout the website should provide a quick and easy way to access the online booking platform, allowing customers to set up their next appointment in just a few quick clicks.

2. Company Bio

It might sound a bit simple but customers don’t want goods or services from a company they know nothing about. For that reason, having a company bio readily available on the website – if an “About Us” page or something similar – is a great way to establish that connection with the customer.

A company bio is flexible in that it can be anything you want it to be. Talk about how the company formed, how you aim to help the community, what your mission statement is, etc. Anything to establish that connection and help close that gap between the customer and business.

Most importantly, having a company bio establishes trust. Customers, whether buying goods or using services, want to feel that the company has their best interests in mind. A company bio can help to create trust between the two sides and that is invaluable for any business.

3. Customer Financing

At the heart of any business, getting paid is most important. What good is it to provide your time and services if getting paid is a huge issue? While there are always going to be problem customers who need to be called and emailed regularly to garner payment, sometimes additional options are all that you need.

In addition to a variety of payment methods – being able to connect to online banking or utilizing credit cards – customer financing can be a vital payment collection tool. Everyone has different circumstances, so customer financing can sometimes mean the difference between getting paid for a job and not getting paid.

Depending on the platform, some website features allow businesses to offer customer financing. It not only ensures that payment is received for the work done but can provide a more consistent stream of income with monthly payments coming in on a regular basis.

4. Live Chat

Communication goes a long way toward providing a satisfactory customer experience. Whether it be a general question or a specific issue, customers need to know that they can get the requisite answers without having to jump through hoops to get there. Offering a live chat can be a fantastic way to provide consistent communication and boost customer satisfaction.

Live chat has also changed so that businesses can provide the service without needing to have dedicated staff for the role. AI Chatbots are now capable of taking customer information, getting to the heart of the issue, and directing them down the right avenue.

It is a fantastic way to not only improve customer satisfaction but to cut down on the inefficiencies that come with customer service. Just the knowledge that they can reach out and get in touch provides customers with a sense of security and consistency that all businesses work so hard to cultivate.

5. Customer Portal

Information is vital at all levels of customer service. The more information a customer has, the more likely they are to find the solution to their questions. As it turns out, one of the best website features to have is a customer portal. It is a one-stop shop that connects customers in a more comprehensive way.

Customer portals provide all the necessary tools. Access personal information, provide updated payment and communication methods, access FAQs, and so much more. Even better, customers can access and pay invoices quickly and easily, cutting down on the number of payments that need to be tracked down.

Providing a customer portal is also a great way to keep visitors on the site. The more time spent on the site, the more likely it becomes to convert those leads into actual sales. Provide all the necessary tools and information all in one convenient location by implementing a customer portal.

6. SEO Marketing

Search engines have been a driving factor for website traffic for decades. Google is the king of the mountain at the moment, so it is important to rank highly for specific keywords. That organic traffic is invaluable and something that virtually every website on the internet is competing to achieve.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important tools available to website owners of all industries. By adhering to proper home services SEO practices, websites can increase visibility, drive more organic traffic, reach the target audience in a more effective manner, and spread brand awareness, among other things.

Best of all, SEO can fit virtually any budget. It is a great way to improve your online presence and attract potential leads. Businesses can also benefit from local SEO strategies, focusing on specific keywords and local listings to attract customers that are located within specific service areas. Start with a Google My Business listing, get some positive reviews, and work to optimize your website across all platforms.

7. Customer Reviews

Reputation is one of the most important aspects of running a business. Google reviews, Yelp reviews, and other third-party review sites are tools that potential customers use on a regular basis. They want to see what customers who have used a service have to say, what their experience was like, and any other insightful information about the business.

Posting reviews to your website can be fine but that isn’t necessarily the most effective tool. After all, there is no way for customers to know where those testimonials come from and whether they are authentic. However, showcasing feedback from third-party review sites can definitely achieve that goal.

Taking the time to garner reviews from satisfied customers can prove invaluable to businesses. It is proof of the reliability of your company, contributes to your website’s SEO standing, and provides trust in the business. The latter is perhaps the biggest battle that home service businesses face. Plus, positive reviews showcase the quality of your work and the overall satisfaction experienced by customers.

8. Mobile Responsiveness

Though there is a litany of website features that will boost engagement and improve SEO standing, there may be no feature more important than mobile connectivity. Mobile devices, not counting tablets, accounted for 58.33% of all global website traffic as of Q1 2023. That number is only expected to go up in 2025 and beyond.

Because of that, your business website needs to be optimized for mobile use. It isn’t necessarily a requirement to have a dedicated mobile app, but there are benefits to be had by going down that path. Take the necessary steps to ensure that your site is optimized for mobile or be prepared to be left behind.

Having a responsive design, one that adjusts to different resolutions and screen sizes ensures a seamless experience for users of all avenues. Besides, many people find home services in their area by performing a Google search. Having a website that can be quickly accessed on mobile devices ensures that you get a chunk of that vital mobile traffic.

9. Service Descriptions

Though it isn’t necessarily considered a “feature,” service descriptions are pivotal to any home service business website. Though services are largely similar across the industry, customers need to know explicitly what your business offers compared to the competition. That is where service descriptions come into play.

A comprehensive list of services provided is a must. Show off everything that you can do, both on the landing page and by having a dedicated services page. More importantly, create a page for each individual service. Not only is it helpful for customers but it provides a boost for your SEO rankings as well.

Customers should be able to easily and quickly know what it is your company does. Having consistent service descriptions available will take the customer experience to the next level and should provide a boost to conversion rates as well.

10. Customized Communication

Communication is one of the most important aspects of running a successful home service business. Keeping customers abreast of the situation from start to end ensures that there is no confusion. Plus, it gives customers the chance to ask questions that most relate to their current situation.

The best business websites offer consistent communication but it’s more than that. The best sites offer personalized communication methods, including customer information or job details. It isn’t much but that added bit of personalization can make customers feel more comfortable with the services being provided and improve the overall experience.

Even things like “I’m on my way!” texts can make a difference. Customers will quickly get frustrated by being left in the dark. Utilizing a variety of different communication methods, everyone can stay in the loop throughout the service process. Communicating through personalized emails and newsletters can also keep current and potential customers in the loop about what is going on with your business.

11. A Variety of Payment Methods

One of the most frustrating aspects of running a business is getting payment. Not all that long ago, tracking down customers for payment became a regular part of life for businesses. With a properly optimized website, you can make it far easier to garner consistent, timely payments from customers without additional hassle.

An automated invoicing system is a must-have feature. Comprised of essential contact information, services provided, and clearly outlined fees, invoicing provides a simple but effective communication to the customer of what is expected. It removes room for error and ensures that payments are received in a timely manner.

Just as importantly, make a variety of payment methods available to customers. Having a point-of-sale system in place means being able to take banking and credit card information, among other payment methods. The more options there are, the easier it becomes to receive payment without having to track customers down.

12. Blog Posts

The best home service business websites offer information in addition to vital services. Visitors flock to the website to read tips, make use of checklists, and find general information. For that reason, one of the best website features you can have is an active blog.

Blogs are one of the most powerful tools out there for both sharing valuable information and connecting with potential customers. Topics should be relevant and often provide answers to questions that potential customers most commonly ask. Things like DIY tips, answers to common questions, and industry news are all pertinent.

Blog posts are also a great way to gain standing in SEO. A properly optimized website provides relevant, helpful information throughout. Having an active blog will ensure that you carve out a share of the target audience by becoming a resource for those seeking answers or DIY help, among other things.

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13. Resource Guides

There is no such thing as providing visitors with too much information. Though you don’t want to have walls of text to scour through, potential customers always appreciate having more information available to them. For that reason, one of the best website features to have is a resource section.

While having blog posts is certainly a good idea, having a downloadable resource guide can be a game-changer. Resources can include guides to things like home maintenance tasks, checklists for each season, and any other information that can potentially provide assistance to customers in their own home service tasks.

Educational content is important for a few reasons. For starters, it encourages visitors to the website. Secondly, it establishes authority and expertise that potential customers look for in a business website. Moreover, it will provide better visitor engagement, boost SEO performance, and build trust with the audience. It is the best way to become a leader in the industry, whether that be on a local or national level.

14. Sync with Social Media

When it comes to home services marketing, social media plays a crucial role. Businesses in all industries are utilizing social media to get in direct contact with both potential and existing customers. That interaction can erase any potential gap that may exist between customer and business.

For that reason, it is important to make social media information as accessible as possible. Links to social media profiles like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), and others should be strategically placed throughout the website. Some make use of social media toolbars that sit on the side of every page while others opt for something a bit more subtle.

Embedding social media feeds is a great option as well. It allows visitors to check out reviews, see the latest posts, and check out any updates without having to venture outside of the site. It not only keeps visitors around longer but keeps them integrated with social media and familiar with what is happening in your business. Social media isn’t a trend anymore, it is a necessity. Customer engagement isn’t optional and having accessible social media outlets will help foster that customer engagement.

15. Proper Security

Website security is more critical than ever before. Users are savvier about what a safe website looks like and know how to identify those shady websites that should be avoided. Keeping up appearances is part of the equation but having proper security certification is more important than that.

SSL certificates are the best way to show visitors that they are safe. These certificates are basically silent guardians that protect your website from potential issues. They encrypt information, protect user data, and provide integrity throughout the user experience. It is customer confidence to the fullest.

Word gets around quickly when a website isn’t safe to visit. Word of mouth is still very much alive, and it won’t take long to sink your website if it isn’t properly protected. SSL certification is one of the best ways to provide a safe environment for visitors, instilling confidence and trust in the process. Don’t overlook the importance that safety plays in the overall user experience.

16. Easily Accessible Contact Information

A frustrating part of the customer experience is not being able to find the necessary information. More often than not, users are visiting the website to find contact information like a website or phone number. This is why it is so important to have essential contact information displayed throughout the website.

Ideally, you need to have a dedicated page for contact information. Phone numbers, email addresses, physical addresses, live chat, and any other form of contact should be readily available in one place. But it shouldn’t end there.

In the header and/or footer of each page put the business’s email address and phone number. Make it as easy as possible for customers to be able to get in contact. Any bit of inconvenience or pushback will just send potential customers elsewhere. Make life as easy as possible for anyone visiting the website.

17. Clear Call-to-Actions

There are a handful of essential items that any website should have. Near the top of the list is having effective call-to-action. These simple messages encourage the customer to do something as it relates to your website: contact the business, request a quote, or utilize a service of some sort.

Having clear, compelling call-to-actions can really make a difference among website features. It can mean keeping someone around or losing them to another website. The best business websites have properly placed call-to-action buttons throughout in order to make it easier for customers to take the next step.

Website features can get to an arbitrary point, but a call-to-action is a must no matter the industry. Make the path from the first visit to utilizing services as simple for the customer as possible. With call-to-action buttons placed strategically throughout your pages, customers will never have to wonder what to do in order to take the next step.

Boost Your Home Service Business Website with Housecall Pro

The most effective way to get the best website features is to work with Housecall Pro. Our 14-day free trial will help you to create the best and most ideal business website possible. It doesn’t have to be the most complex setup, just one that delivers on the most important features as it relates to your business.

With the right business website features, you can be prepared to take your business to the next level. Don’t give potential customers the opportunity to take their business elsewhere. With the best features for a website in tow, your site can become an effective tool that contributes to the bottom line.

Ryan Womeldorf

Ryan Womeldorf

Content Writer
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Last Posted September, 2024
About the Author Ryan has been freelancing for more than a decade, featured at publications like The Hockey Writers, ManmadeDIY, Upgraded Home, and more. He loves writing about new topics and becoming an expert on anything that he takes on. Ryan has been working in the DIY and sports betting niches of late, but has experience in technology, cryptocurrency, personal finance, mental health, sports, and more.